Today I declare myself a blogger, I’m taking the first step. It’s that simple. I’ve decided, and so it is…if it was only that easy, but could it be? It’s funny how simple things can be in life if I let them.

I’ve found that life can be as simple or as complicated as I let it be. For instance, at one time starting this blog seemed so complicated and overwhelming; all kinds of limiting beliefs entered my mind…I’m not a good writer, there is so much to learn when it comes to blogging, what do I really know about wellness, someone else is already doing it….the list goes on and the thoughts are all really overly complicated excuses for not simply saying I have fear and that I’m choosing not to believe in myself. Fear inherently on some level is what’s holding most of us back from anything we want to do differently in life, but aren’t yet doing.

When it comes to doing new things in life, the part of me that seeks comfort and control wants to know how it’s going to go. What the plan is. How it is going to turn out. Then there is the perfectionist part of me that wants to figure out how to do it correctly or not do it all, all of which is overwhelming and often keeps me stuck from doing anything until I get frustrated with being in a cycle of stuckness and going nowhere.

The reality of life is even when we think we have the best-laid plans life rarely goes as planned. So I’m working on adopting the mentality of merely taking the first step, then taking the next step, one step at a time approach.

So today is one of those days I’ve decided to face the fear and complicated excuses and just do it; to just take the first step.

Koh Phi Phi Viewpoint Entrance

During the summer of 2015, I was in Koh Phi Phi Thailand, I was exhausted after a day of traveling; but dying to see the fantastic view from the best viewpoint- the highest point on the island. It required about a 1-mile steep hike up these stairs. All I could think to myself was that it was probably better I couldn’t see the whole staircase up as I only had to see the next step ahead and I would get there. And if you can’t tell by the view, it was well worth the hike!

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I don’t know where this blog is going or how it will look a year from now, but I am committed to moving my career and life forward in ways that connect with others. To be a part of the movement of living healthier, more meaningful, and loving lives.

So cheers to taking the first step towards whatever it is you want in life! And thanks for reading my very first post on this blog!


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Author Biography

Karla Kueber is here to support you in overcoming imposter syndrome and perfectionism so you can stop procrastinating, feeling stuck, and holding yourself back from your goals. Karla is here to help you believe in yourself and own your successes. You can book a freee discovery call with her here.

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